Friday, July 1, 2011

Ten Steps To A Sparkling Kitchen

Keeping your kitchen sparkling clean may seem like a daunting task if you haven't done more than wash a few dishes here and there when you needed one to eat off of. But, if you break it down into bite-sized chunks, which can be done in 15 minute increments, you will have a clean, comfortable kitchen in no time!

I have found that when deep cleaning my kitchen, it is best to work in a top to bottom fashion. Here are my 10 steps to having a sparkling clean kitchen:

** Be sure that all your dishes have already been washed and put away before beginning **

1. Let's start at the top, shall we? Look UP! Do you see any cobwebs hanging from the ceiling? Grab your broom and wipe them down! What about that ceiling fan or chandelier? How long has it been since you got up on a chair with some hot water and rags and really scrubbed it down? Now is the time!

2. OK, now we are moving down just a bit. Fill up your sink with some hot, soapy water. Or use whatever cleaner that you choose. Grab a rag and wipe down your upper kitchen cabinets. Don't worry about the insides right now, you can save that for another day. While you are right there, though, make sure you wash down the range hood of your stove. These can get pretty yucky and may take some elbow grease.

3. When you are done with your upper kitchen cabinets it is time to go a tad bit lower. Let's see what the top of your refrigerator looks like. Yikes, right? I know that in my family, it is a hot spot where everyone stashes things they don't feel like putting in it's proper place right away. So, grab the garbage can and a box or bag for things that you will be keeping and putting away. Most of the things I find on top of my refrigerator end up going straight into the garbage! Once you've gotten it cleaned off, scrub that baby down! Only put back what absolutely has to go there. Set the bag or box of misc. items you are keeping aside to put away once we are done in the kitchen. Don't get sidetracked by going into another room! You may not come back!

4. OK! You are doing great! Let's keep going! Now, we will move on to the windows, window sills and blinds (if you have them). The easiest way I have found to clean white mini-blinds is to just take them down and soak them in the tub with some hot water and bleach. While they are soaking, spray down your windows and give them a streak free shine with some newspaper! No newspaper? Don't worry about it! Just do the best you can with what you've got!

5. Now, we are ready to deep clean the counter tops and stove top. Take everything off of your kitchen counter and off your stove. Put it on the table, the floor.. wherever, as long as it's out of your way. Fill up your kitchen sink with fresh, hot, soapy water. Grab a new rag and scrub away! Make sure you don't forget the walls behind the sink, around the faucet (you may need an old toothbrush), the knobs to the stove and the front and sides of the oven.

** For more details on how to clean your stove see This Video **

6. Once the counter tops are clean, it is time to tackle all the stuff you took off of them! Before you put anything back on your counter tops, make sure it is clean! That means your coffee-pot, your microwave, your canisters... everything.

** If your microwave is pretty nasty, see This Video & This Video to learn how to get it squeaky clean! **

7. Can you see the difference you are making in your kitchen already? I bet you can! Let's move on to the kitchen table and chairs. If you need to do any de-cluttering, now is the time to do it. Don't be afraid to toss, toss, toss! If it isn't something that you need or love, then let it go! Remember not to start running into other rooms to put things away just yet. Simply put things in your bag or box to put away later. Once the table and chairs are cleaned off, scrub them down. Don't put anything back on the table that does not belong there.

8. Whew! We are almost done. Look at the fridge again. What does the outside look like? Full of fingerprints? Cluttered with magnets and papers? Time to strip that baby down and get it shining like your counters and stove! When that is done, make sure that you only put back on the fridge things that won't make it look cluttered. My refrigerator displays my children's artwork, but only their newest creations. The rest go in a binder as they are taken down. While we are at it, let's refill the sink with some new, hot, soapy water and go ahead and clean your lower cabinet doors now.

9. Alright! We are on the floor! Pick up any throw rugs you have in your kitchen and put them in the washer. Grab that broom and let's sweep up all the mess we've made while cleaning from the top down. Gather up all the garbage and take it out to the trash bin. Now break out the bucket and mop and let's give that floor a good scrubbing! I know that by now you are probably getting tired, but believe me... the ending result will be well worth it!

10. Finally, dump your dirty mop water immediately. Put up your mop and bucket. Grab the box or bag of miscellaneous items that you are keeping and put them in their place. Take the mini-blinds out of the tub and dry them off with a towel before hanging them back up. And, guess what? You are done!

In addition to the steps above, you may need to clean the inside of your refrigerator and clean out your kitchen cabinets, both below and above the sink. You can always add them to this list, or you can save them for another day. However you want to do it!

If you have followed these ten steps, your kitchen should be sparkling right now! Doesn't it feel great? I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself as well! Keep up the good work!

Can That Pile Of Dirty Dishes Cause You To Be In Debt?


  Did you ever stop to think that by having a sink full of dirty dishes you are increasing the likelihood of your staying in debt? I recently came across an article that explains how that is possible. Check it out HERE !

  Now you have yet another reason to keep that sink shiny!

Starting With A Shiny Sink

  When it comes to cleaning my house, the most important room to keep sparkling is my kitchen. Think about it, there is a reason why they say "The kitchen is the heart of the home.". You begin your day there, with a cup of coffee, perhaps. You prepare meals for your family there in order to keep them happy and healthy. You sit down with a friend, family member or door-to-door salesman at the kitchen table to have a chat. Hopefully, you sit down for dinner with your children and spouse every evening to enjoy each other's company and recount the happenings of the day.

  Yet, cleaning the kitchen seems to be something a lot of people avoid. I don't really understand the aversion to it. I mean, you EAT there... you prepare food there... wouldn't you want it as clean as possible? Aside from the fact that leaving a huge mess in the kitchen area is an open invitation for all sorts of creepy-crawly things to make a home in your house and regularly feast on your left-overs and even the food in your pantry, having a clean kitchen is just, well, the healthy thing to do!

  Now, don't get all offended at me. I've mentioned before that I didn't always keep my home very clean. But, the first step in getting it there was to make it a daily habit to keep my kitchen clean and clutter-free. The FlyLady begins her Beginner's BabySteps with learning how to Shine Your Sink. And there is a reason for that, I think.

  Having a shiny kitchen sink is like breathing a breath of fresh air into your kitchen. Once it is sparkling clean, the rest of the kitchen just has to follow. You get a renewed enthusiasm for cleaning the rest of your kitchen. Once you look at the nice, shiny sink you end up looking at the counter tops. Well, they diminish the glow of the sink so you decide to go to town on them and Ta-Da! Your kitchen is looking better already! Then you end up looking at your stove... well, that diminishes the beauty of your kitchen counters, so now you want to scrub that sucker down too! Pretty soon, the top of your stove is shining as well.  You step back to admire your work and listen as your sneakers stick to the kitchen floor. Well, that just won't do with such a beautiful sink, counters and stove! So, you grab a broom and a mop and bust a move.

  Do you see how it works? Once you begin, you will start to really dislike the areas that are taking away from the beauty of the clean spots. I didn't believe it till I saw it happening in my own home. Don't believe me? Here are some before and after pictures of my first day with a shiny sink:

  Now, I can't stand to have a dirty kitchen. I keep my sink empty, counters and stove-top wiped down and everything ready for the next day before I go to bed at night. And when I wake up, I don't have to fight my way through the dirty dishes to get to the coffee pot. I don't stick to the kitchen table when I sit down to do my devotions. I just look around and smile, enjoying the peace and calmness I feel in the mornings when I am greeted by my shiny sink!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Housekeeping On A Dime - The Beginning

 When it comes to keeping a clean and happy home, I admit, I have failed horribly at times.  I often wondered why I wasn't able to have the picture-perfect home that everyone else seemed to have. I woke up every day with the intention of making breakfast for my family, cleaning the kitchen immediately, putting on my make-believe apron and happily making my way from room to room, duster in hand, creating a spotless refuge for my beloved family.

  What actually happened was more along the lines of my getting up still exhausted from a restless night during which I berated myself for not getting everything done the day before. Stumbling to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, throwing some milk and cereal on the table (after I had removed the dishes from the night before) and telling the kids to fend for themselves.

  If it happened to be a school day, I would then try frantically to find matching (and clean) outfits for the children while they ran around screaming that they couldn't find their shoes, book bags, socks or jackets. By this time the bus would be honking, the cat would be on the table eating from the bowls of cereal and it would take everything I had within me not to break down and cry. Once the bus had left with my children finally inside it's door I would turn back to the kitchen to see that one or the other had inevitably left their homework or their lunch in the middle of the kitchen table.

  My mornings usually dictated the rest of my day. Frustrated with myself and my lack of organization, I would then sit down and do a quick scan of my living conditions. If only I had some nice laundry baskets for the piles of clothes on the couch that still needed to be folded and put away... If only I had nicer dishes I would feel like washing them.... If only I had that new, highly-reviewed toilet scrubber that promised that once you were done using it you could just stick your face right into the bowl without smelling anything but sparkling freshness....

  I would spend the rest of my day throwing in the towel repeatedly. Overwhelmed with everything that needed to be done, I would just never get started. I mean, why start when I was sure to be interrupted and not be able to finish, right? Why bother? Besides, I was out of multi-purpose cleaner and I didn't have any clothes clean to wear to the store..

  I had every excuse in the book as to why I could not carry out any one of my good intentions. And I used them. All the time! And do you know what one of my most used excuse was? My lack of money. For some reason, I had it in my befuddled brain that I had to have some thing, some product, that cost money in order for me to have a clean, happy home. I blame commercials. (just kidding - kinda)

    Now, let me just say that I had more than enough 'stuff'. My family was slowly being buried alive by 'stuff'. Why on earth I thought that I needed more 'stuff' to clean up the 'stuff' I already had is beyond me. Half the 'stuff' we had we never used. Or else we didn't know where it was!

  I knew that I had a problem. I just never realized that I was the problem. Sure, my kids were messy and my Significant Other never picked up after himself. And I loved to blame them for the state of chaos our home was always in. But, on the other hand... how many times had I said "Never mind, I will do it myself." when they started to clean up or pick up something and I thought they were doing it 'wrong'?  Could it possibly be that I had trained them to leave all the messes for me?

  I was really in a state of insanity. And it took me years to finally learn how to keep a clean and happy home. I did this by re-wiring my brain with the help of a lot of resources. First, I utilized the cleaning and de-cluttering system of The FlyLady. I joined The FlyLady Facebook Page and met some amazing people, got my head together and leaned heavily on their support and understanding. Then, I went to work.

  I eventually learned that all I really needed was what I already had on hand in most cases and some boxes and garbage bags! Being on a limited income, I even learned how to stretch my cleaning purchases and in some cases even make my own household cleaners. And if it really came down to it.. hot, hot water and a lot of elbow grease can do miracles.

  I found I was saving money in other areas as well. I no longer had to replace our socks & underwear on a regular basis because they were getting lost in the piles of laundry. I didn't have to replace toys nearly as often, because we only kept what was loved and taken care of. They weren't getting broken all the time because they were (almost) always kept where they belonged instead of being thrown all over the house to be stepped on.

  I know there are many, many others who have found themselves in the same mind-set that I once was in. And that is why I have chosen to write this blog. Here, I will share what I have learned in my housekeeping journey, show you actual progress pictures, experiment with new ways to get organized and do my best to inspire you to have the home you always wanted.

  Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.